October Discussion Meeting

At last month’s talk, the lack of industry wide safety standards & guidelines for ground electrical survey operations was brought up and the progress made to date by the Australian Ground Geophysical Surveys Safety Association (GGSSA) discussed. Interest was expressed amongst the attendees to discuss this further including the possibility of generating some sort of Canadian involvement in these efforts. Dennis Woods of Discovery Int’l Geophysics has volunteered to lead a discussion session to explore this topic this month.

DISCUSSION LEADER: Dennis Woods, Discovery Int’l Geophysics Inc.

TOPIC: Safety and Ground Geophysical Surveying in Exploration

DATE: Thursday October 17th at 4:30pm LOCATION: Room 451, 409 Granville (UK Building at Granville and Hastings)

POST-MEETING: Attendees are encouraged to grab a pint together at Moose’s Downunder afterwards